Journey Planner
Traveline provides information on travel routes and times for all your journeys in Great Britain. This includes providing live bus and rail times, as well as detailed journey planners.
To plan your bus or rail journeys, please visit Alternatively, why not download the free mobile App, allowing you access to live bus departures and fully interactive route maps. You can then save your favourite journeys to use again. You can download the app for iphone or ipad here and on Google Play for Android
Taxi Services Contact Details
To ensure we provide you with details of all your transport options, below are details of the various taxi firms operating within Leighton Buzzard. If you need to make a journey by taxi (to the railway station for example), why not share with someone else. It will save you money and help to reduce your carbon footprint!!
A.1. (Steve’s) and D&R Taxis Tel: 01525 37 0000 Vehicles: 13 Operational: 24 hours, 7 days |
Leighton Taxis Tel: 9525 63 63 63 Vehicles: 7 Operational: 24 hours, 7days |
Dialacar Taxis Tel: 01525 850 605 Vehicles: 4 Operational: 24 hours, 7 days |
Prestige Taxis Tel: 01525 852 113 Vehicles: 5 Operational: 24 hours, 7 days |
Diamond Cabs Tel: 01525 450 450 Vehicles: 10 Operational: From 6am weekdays, 24 hours at weekends |
Globe Taxis Tel: 01525 455 444 |
Burgins Taxis Tel: 01525 372 131 Operational: 5.30am – 1am, 7 days |
AA Taxis Tel: 01525 45 0000 | |
LB TaxisTel: 01525 75 7757 | |