Car Sharing

CB Travel Choices Liftshare scheme provides a matching service for all who live, work and travel in and around Central Bedfordshire as well as for longer journeys to London or other locations outside the county.
The website matches you up with potential partners as a driver or passenger. Once matched, you can choose to car share as little or often as you like, with whomever you like. Visit the site now to find drivers and passengers online instantly for free. It’s a great way to reduce the costs of fuel and parking, cut levels of congestion around towns and pollution, and reduce the stress of driving. Find your perfect Liftshare partner by clicking on the website above and register now to start generating potential matches.
CB Travel Choices Liftshare is part of CBC’s wider Travel Choices programme to widen the travel options available for those travelling to, from and within Central Bedfordshire.

For more information, please visit

