Health and Fitness
To help you keep fit we have managed to negotiate a number of discounts with the local fitness centres. For more information please see additional leaflets within your Resident Information Pack.
Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre, 01525 375 765
This is the town’s main leisure centre and it offers two swimming pools, badminton, tennis, netball, gym, spa and sauna facilities.
From Southern Leighton Buzzard you can walk (25 mins) or cycle (10 mins) across Billington Road into Chartmoor Road, through the Grovebury Industrial Park to the roundabout, then follow the old railway track to the bridge across the canal. Continue into Mentmore Gardens then turn left along Mentmore Road and the Centre is on the left. The number 36 bus also stops in Finch Crescent and Cedars Way which are a 3 minute walk from the Leisure Centre.
For more information please see your residents pack, call 01525 375 765 or visit
Alzheimer’s Society, 07930 894 206
Buzzard Jive, Modern jive classes, 07946 323 000,
Cancer Support Group, 01525 631 177
Curves Women’s Fitness, 01525 219 800,
Doreen’s School of Dancing – tap, modern and ballet classes for all ages, 01525 237 400,
Energie Fitness Club, 01525 853 000,
Extreme Fitness, 01525 850 770
Jazz Exercise, 01525 851 308
Multiple Sclerosis Society, 01525 377 099,
Pilates, 01525 850 368,
Pilates, 01525 382 657,
Reiki Support Group, 01525 632 638,
Yoga, 01525 210 553,
Of course, the cheapest and easiest way to get fit is to go for a walk or a bike ride, or kick a ball in the park. Leighton Buzzard has a large number of parks with grass areas and children’s play equipment as we have identified below:
- Pages Park (5 minute walk up Billington Road) – narrow gauge railway, playground, cricket, tennis and croquet.
- Parsons Close Park (20 minute walk, 10 mins cycle, or take number 36/Dash bus to Lake Street and walk through Duncombe Drive car park) – skatepark, playground, paddling pool, bandstand.
- Tiddenfoot Waterside Park (25 minute walk, 10 minute cycle, across Billington Road into Chartmoor Road, through the Grovebury Industrial Park to the roundabout, then follow the old railway track to the bridge across the canal. Turn left down the towpath after crossing the bridge. Alternatively you can catch number 36 bus to Finches Crescent and walk 5 minutes to the Park).
- Astral Park (15 minute walk, 10 minute cycle, in Billington Park Housing Estate) – running track.
There are numerous walks and traffic-free cycle tracks around the town. For more information please see