Sandhills Community House
About us
Sandhills Community Action helps Sandhills residents to feel part of their local community by keeping them informed and by developing new social networks, activities and groups.
This means that Sandhills residents:
Are kept up to date about services, activities and events in their local area;
Become involved in their community by taking part, volunteering and organising activities or groups; and
Make new friends and feel less isolated or lonely.
Community Hub
The Sandhills Community House is the hub for information on local services and offers a programme of activities, learning opportunities, events and services.
Our programme of activities and events, organised for children, families and adults, takes place at the Community House and around Sandhills. Groups meet during the day, in the evenings and at weekends. Staff at the Community House work closely with residents and local service providers to arrange activities, deliver services and provide information and advice to residents.
Getting Involved
You can get involved by:
Taking part in the activities and events
Coming to the Community Cafe for coffee and cake, lunch and a healthy bike to eat
Volunteering at the Community House and in the community
Organising and running new activities or groups
Participating in residents’ meetings
Taking part in consultation activities about local services
Joining our Facebook Group and participating in online discussions
Visiting the Community House to talk to staff, other residents and make new friends
Making suggestions for future activities and additional services
Providing feedback and comments on the activities and services provided
Find Us
Contact us for further information or to get involved. We are open Monday to Friday 09:30am until 4:00pm (other times by arrangement).
Address: Sandhills Community House, 6 Plover Road, Sandhills, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 4AW.
Phone: (01525) 374600